Friday, December 26, 2008

well, if thats how you want it....

It was going to be part of my New Years Resolution to take down this website, because it had appeared Gaye Dalton had found other interests than being abusive to abuse survivors and was leaving me alone. But as of today December 27th 2008, she has restarted her online abuse of me, which is odd considering I had done nothing, said nothing, published nothing in months and months, except give her credit for having left me alone for 2 months.

She continues to make many outlandish claims about me without any evidence to prove her claims. I will continue to keep this blog which make NO claims about her but offer nothing but evidence for you to come to your own conclusions.

I guess I'll be waiting until New Years of 2010 and then again reassess the benefit of this blog.

edit - as of July 29 those outlandish claims, unfortunately, continue to multiply.

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